- 中國人民解放軍軍樂團薩克斯演奏家、教育家
- 中國音樂家協會會員
- 中央電視臺《光榮綻放》十大管樂演奏家之一
- 德國韋笙堡(WEISSENBERG)薩克斯代言人
- 1992年應邀出席義大利第十屆世界薩克斯大會並舉辦獨奏音樂會(賽爾瑪贊助)。
- 2007年應德國柏林歐亞藝術節邀請舉辦爵士音樂會。
- 連續七屆《北京國際爵士樂集萃》的演出 受到國內外媒體的關注 。
- 銀鮫(Chimaera)老師同來訪的國際獲格萊梅獎的演奏家 戴夫次.考茲.沃倫希爾、 kk威廉姆斯、麥克林頓、銘迪.阿拜爾、等巡迴同台演出,並擔任《薩克斯合奏創世界吉尼斯紀錄》總指揮。
- 連續十年在中山音樂堂舉辦個人音樂會《打開音樂之門》。
- 先後出版了原創唱片《四度空間》《夢的薩克斯》並獲得“金唱片獎”。
- 先後編著了《薩克斯基礎教程》《薩克斯流行音樂曲集》《薩克斯重奏曲集》《薩克斯爵士風格曲集》《薩克斯古典精曲》《薩克斯起步零基礎教程》《味道100首》《邂逅108首》等。
- 近年一直活躍在薩克斯教學及網路成人教學各種演出的一線。
Du Yin Jiao | Weissenberg Saxophone Artist
Du Yinjiao is the celebrated Chinese saxophonist and educator, the Saxophone Chief of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Military Band (PLA military band), Art Director of China Sachs Alliance, member of China Association for Symphonic Bands and Ensembles (CASBE) and China’s top-ten wind music performer of CCTV’sGloryBlossoms program.
He graduated from Peking University with a Master’ degree in Art Administration. His solo album Dream Sachs recorded in 1991 won the China Record Award.
In 1992, Chinese saxophonists were sponsored by Selmer, a French musical instrument company, to attend the 10thWorld Saxophone Conference held in Italy where he successfully held a solo concert at the invitation. His wonderful performance greatly shocked the audience and met with much applause from other world-class saxophonists at the conference.
In 2007, Du Yinjiao gave a remarkable jazz concert in Berlin at the invitation of the Berlin Art Festival.
In January 20, 2010, Du Yinjiao played Such a Beautiful World at the welcome banquet for Austrian President, Heinz Fischer held by Chinese President, HuJintao. Du Yinjiao got recognized and highly appreciated, for which he was specially introduced to President Fisher by president Hu—“This is China’s top saxophonist.”
In 2012, the Four-dimensional Space, China’s first original saxophone solo album was released.
From 1990 to 2012, over ten textbooks like Saxophone Basic Course, Anthology of Chinese and Foreign Famous Saxophone were published.
Since 1988, he has cultivated many excellent saxophone students for the PLA military band.
Du Yinjiao has made great breakthrough and achievement son saxophone performance and teaching both of classical and jazz style since1981. He has been active on the military art stage inside and outside the army, making him sophisticated in teaching and performance by in-depth exchange of views with domestic saxophone masters and experts visiting China in the work of reception and arrangement for performances, master classes and seminars.